Bringing light to the saying "To be or not to be, that is the question."
Well we all know the saying "To be or not to be, that is the question." But what does it mean to those who have seriously considered suicide? What does it mean to those who have attempted to take the easy way out of life? Well here is a little tidbit from someone who has thought about and who is still considering chickening out of this hell hole of a life, and facing the wrath of God. Though they know that the punishment from God may be worse then the pain of living out the rest of this life.
My sister-in-law is mad because apparently I have had an attitude for quite sometime, but I have not noticed it. What can I do if no one tells me that I am having an attitude. Where is it right if she is taking her anger out on me, but she has not confronted me about it? I just want her to like me. I do not know what to do or think around her, because she has been the strongest thing in my life, but she has been pullin out. I feel like everyone hates me.
My older sister is not longer talking to me, and earlier I tried to talk to her and she just got mad at me and yelled at me. So now I am blogging and she is watching a movie. Last night she got mad at me, because we were laying in bed and she had been playing around, wrestling, and then I kept doing it and she got mad at me. Then the lense to her glasses fell out and went underneath her water bed. Well she said, " If people knew how to quite playing this would not have happened!" So now I am confused because she never stops wrestling, and when she does wrestle she goes oer board and she punches to hard and leaves bruises. So what do I do, I love her to death but at points I just want to kill myself because she is so mean to me. So I giveup on being her friend, because she is just trying to be buddies with our sister-in-law now and she has just forgotten about me. I dont know what to do.
Also, they just threw me a birthday party, but everytime they throw me one it is never the one that I want. For my 16 birthday I wanted to have a luau, but that didnt happen. So for my 18 I was going to have a luau but that did not happen, and now I have to wait until my 21 before I can have a luau. I know that I sound selfish, but if that is what I want that is what I want. These all seem like petty reasons to kill myself, but after everything else I am just fed up. Which I would never kill myself but sometimes I get pretty close, but for now I am going.
Next time you make fun of someone for taking the easy way out, think about the other things that happened in their lives. So for now just think about the saing, "To be or not to be, that is the question." Remember that not everyone has a strong will power.