Why God has a vendeta against me
Why God has a vendeta against me, I really don't know. It is obvious that he does though because of the things that are going on in my life. First I got stuck with a psychotic family, and then my father sexually abused my best friend and best sister. Then today on Novemeber 30, 2005 my father is told that he may not have any contact with me or my niece, nephew, and my little sister until we are 18. We all knew that this was going to happen, but not like this.
DCS came and spoke to me while I was in third period, so then I was all upset in fourth period and I have an econ test tomorrow that decides wether or not I pass the class. So here I am writing a blog and stressing out, not only over my current home situation, but over the fact that if I do not pass this test I do not pass the class. If I do not pass the class then I do not get to graduate in December, and then I can not save money to go to prom. The prom tickets at my prom are going to cost 90 dollars, so that means that I am going to have to work full time all next semseter in order to be able to go. But yet here I am yaking away on my blog site, and yet I feel like I am going to have a heart attack over the stress at my house.
My father was the only parent figure that I ever had in my life, and now I can not speak to him. I am permitted absolutley no communication with him, not even an I love you or I miss you through an adult. So now I have no father figure, and no mother figure, and it seems like no friends. Though I did talk to my friend that I have not talken to in the last three months. So mabye life is getting a little better, but she had to lie to her mother and she did not seem interested in listening to everything that was going on. So now I am going to go study for my test that I am going to fail anyway.