Is love for real or is it just something that they say to help people think that they are needed?
Not really
Published on January 24, 2005 By Kaulani In Personal Relationships
Everyone says that love is real and that it will happen to everyone at some point in time. I have been around the plant for 17 years now, and since I have been here I have never had the opprotunity to share a moment with a special person( someone that I was dating). I wish that people would quite making movies about stuff like this, I don't understand why people think that there is such a thing as love. If there was love in the world, than why did Hitler kill off more than million people. If there was love in the world than why are we at war again. If there was love in the world, then we would not have lost thousands of our own people at the hands of 16 terrorist. Think logically about this stuff. All you have to do is think about it that way. Also, if there was love in the world than why does 99% of Americans have at least one divorce.

on Jan 24, 2005

The things you describe here aren't necessarily actions and examples of 'love'.

Hitler was a megalomanic who picked on a certain ethnic group and used them as a scapegoat for all that was wrong in pre-war germany. 

We are at war again because a dictator posed not only a threat to this country, but to many other countries around the world.

Divorce rates are high because people don't seem to realize that marriage is always a work in progress, no matter how long you've been together....and because it's easier to split up rather than work at things and stay together.

Just because there is hatred in the world, doesn't mean there's no love.

There was love in the resistance fighters of WW II.  there was love on the streets on NY after the Twin Towers fell.  There is love in India and in Thailand as we speak, there is love in California as people go help out with the mudslide clean up.

There is just have to open your eyes and see it.


on Jan 24, 2005
There is love in the world, and I didn't really feel it until I was 21, so you can wait a few more years Unfortunatley, there is also stupidity, hate, and all sorts of other icky things out there. But then again, without those to provide a frame of reference, would love be the same?
on Jan 24, 2005
17 is a bit young imo to be giving lectures on love. You have not even lived a quarter of your life and are already passing judgement? Do you not love your mother? father? family? dog even? Because I know that I do. So I ask you this, If love is not real, what is it I feel everyday when I wake up, or see a picture of my neices, what am I feeling everytime I see my girlfriend?
on Feb 01, 2005
How do you know how long I am going to live? I could die tommorrow. Actualy I do not love my mother she is a pohysicatic woman who hit my sisters head into the wall. My father I love dearly, but he has some real dork things in his past. My family is for the most part ok, but they have serious problems. And if I had a dog I would love him more than the world because you can tell animals anything and they will not tell anyone. Also thank you for loving my mom, dad,family, and even my dog (Just Kidding). What you see is what you see, but if love between a man and a woman existed then why is the divorce rate so high, and why do men kill their wives.
on Feb 02, 2005
If there was love in the world, than why did Hitler kill off more than million people

Hitler’s freedom to do what he wanted was a result of love. There are risks and vulnerabilities in love, but love will prevail in the end – even if it takes lifetimes or aeons. Hitler will one day become a very wise and strong soul.

Love is all around, always and everywhere – even beyond the human sphere. It exists on the wavelength of our heart, rather than our head. Love has already prevailed, because love is the cause and reason of life. When we die, we will experience love to a greater degree. It’s all good stuff.

Is love real?

Yes. If we surrender to it, we can experience a bit more inner peace.
on Feb 02, 2005

Andy, I agree with most of what you said, especially the last line.

(You knew there'd be a but) 

BUT......that Hitler stuff was a bit......mashugina. 


on Feb 03, 2005
hi new-age,

What does mashugina mean?

What do you think is Hitler's destiny?
on Feb 08, 2005
Hey, I think that what you said about Hitler was complete crap. If Hitler's soul goes anywhere than the bottom pits of hell and rotts with other things and people not even worth mentioning then this world and afterlife is completly insane. The only thing that Hitler learned was that next time kill them faster. His soul will never change, and the only thing that he will be strong in is insanity.
on Feb 14, 2005

"""""I have been around the plant for 17 years"""""

wow, what plant is that?  I think I know what you're talking about.  *HAHAHAHAHAH*
