No one ever seems to ever even think twice about what they complain about. We take it for granted that we have the ability or right or privilage or what ever you want to call it that we can do what we want, which is anything. I also dont understand why people dont ever look at how pathetic their problems are compared to the rest of the world. We all complain about the few things that our troops did to the prisoners in Afghanistain or Iraq. But why do they not think about what they did to our troops when they are POW's. The get their heads sawed off with a blunt knife from the back to the front. Also, we dont ever even seem to put another thought to the Holocaust and how many people were affected even if they dont realise it. They were lucky if they lasted three months in the concentration camps. Why do so many people complain about having to eat food that they do not like, the poor Jews were lucky if they could eat anything. Much less something that they liked. I hope that everyone who reads this takes a look at all of their petty problems that they think are so life threatening, and that they are greatful that they have the ability to do any thing at all.