Is love for real or is it just something that they say to help people think that they are needed?
This thing called "Love" is funny
Published on March 14, 2006 By Kaulani In Dating
I talked to Eddie for thirty minutes yesterday, and I think that it helped me get over but yet now I like him more then ever. We talked and I finally got the nerve to tell him that I liked him, and do you know what he said, "Well, I already knew that! Some other people had told me" So then I felt like a complete idiot, and then he brought up the fact that I had asked him to prom. He said, "The thing is is that I have already been asked by someone about a month ago, and if you had asked me sooner I would have gone with you." Then my heart skipped a few beats and my stomach flipped into my throat.
THen he told me that I would not want to date him, he said "I am the typical dating guy?" I said what does that mean?" He went outside (because he was at his friends house) and told what had beengoing on for the last few months. He said that he had been sleeping with a ton of girls, and that I was too good for him. So then of course my heart just melted. I just started liking me more. Then he begged me not to think differently about him and not to hate him. He said that he knew that I was really mad about what my best friend Jessica did. Which I just explained to him, was just because she lied to my face and then called me the next day and told me she was pregnant.
He told me that he does want tohang out, but just as friends and that he does not want any feelings to get hurt. Which then I explained to him that I never expected anything to go on between us, and that when I told him I expected him to freak out and call me fat and say "EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Eddie said, "Why would I do that you are my friend and I still want to be your friend." So he told me many times that he does not want to be anything more than friends, and I told him that the only reason that i told him was to get over him. So now I am going to go, and thank God that he helped me get over Eddie. Thank you all for your advice.

P.S. Trin Call Me!

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